"Construction Grammar: Merely a Set or a Connected Structure?", co-authored with Valentina Zhukova at Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Kraków, November 13-15, 2024.
"Construal of Number in the Ukrainian *bahato* Construction", co-authored with Yuliia Palii at Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Kraków, November 13-15, 2024.
"Finding the “Fun” in External Funding", invited workshop at the University of Tartu, Nov 29, 2023
"The Birth of Grammatical Morphemes", invited lecture at the University of Tartu, Nov 28, 2023
"Repeating ourselves: Reduplication in Russian Constructions", invited lecture at a Workshop "Contemporary approaches to Russian language: varieties and variability" at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy, Oct 17, 2023.
“What goes around, comes around: Cases that keep me going” (pdf), invited plenary lecture for the Slavic Linguistics Society Conference (SLS-18) in Bratislava, Slovakia, August 2023.
“What happens if you try to build a constructicon for a whole language?”, co-authored with Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Ekaterina Rakhilina, Olga Lashevskaya, and Daria Mordashova, at International FrameNet 2023: Cognitively Grounded Approaches to Applied Language Description Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
“A Constructicon for Ukrainian: Objectives, Strategies, Results”, co-authored with Yuliia Palii [1], Anna Endresen, Zoia Butenko, at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
“Putin makes his case” (pdf), co-authored with Masako Fidler, Václav Cvrček, and Anna Obukhova, at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
“The Lexicon-Grammar Continuum: What Persian Complex Predicates Reveal”, co-authored with Reza Soltani [1], at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
“Is security uniform across Slavic?”, co-authored with Tore Nesset, Anastasiia Makarova, at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Harvard University, June 2023.
“Reduplication in the ecosystem of Russian constructions”, co-authored with Anna Endresen and Valentina Zhukova, at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Harvard University, June 2023.
“Skrytý výzam pádů v projevech Putina”, invited plenary at 24. mezinárodní setkání mladých lingvistů in Olomouce (digital) 15.05.2023.
"Grammatical messaging: Putin's use of case", invited lecture at Princeton University, February 28, 2023.
Out of This World, a short course on constructed languages at Princeton University. Feb3A, Feb3B, Feb10A, Feb10B
"Scalar reality and linguistic categories"”, for “Minä ja muut: A Scholar in the making", a symposium on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, Tartu, Estonia, August 2022.
Slavistmøte 2022: SMARTool presentation
“Scaling up a constructicon: strategies for semantic classification and data management”, invited lecture at the University of Turku, pptx, pdf, April 29, 2022.
“Russian's ICONic constructICON”, co-authored with Anna Endresen, invited lecture at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (online), pptx, pdf, November 9, 2021.
“Following the paths of Slavic aspectual prefixes”, invited lecture at Hokkaido University (online), pptx, pdf, October 27, 2021.
“Taking inflection out of the paradigm box: the intersection of inflected forms and constructions”, pptx, pdf, invited plenary for the International Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Łódź, Poland (online), September 2021.
“TROLLing for linguistic data / Strategic targeting of rich inflectional morphology for linguistic analysis and L2 acquisition”, pptx, pdf, invited plenary for Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL) Workshop, September 2021.
“How to build a constructicon in five years: The Russian recipe”, pptx, pdf, co-authored with Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, and Ekaterina Rakhilina. At the 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar in Antwerp, Belgium (online). August 2021.
“Rik morfologi og kognitive realiteter”, NORKOG conference at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, June 2021.
“How to build a constructicon in five years: The Russian recipe”, at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (online), June 2021.
“Našli razvlečenie! Patterns of Assessment and Attitude constructions in Russian”, co-authored with Anna Endresen, at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (online), June 2021.
“Verb classifiers – not so exotic after all? The case of Russian” pptx, pdf, an invited talk for the Brazilian Linguistic Association (abralin.org), a permanent series of virtual talks: Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online: video of my talk 19.05.2021.
“Jak vidíme vid z perspektivy kognitivní lingvistiky”, an invited lecture at Univerzita Palackého in Olomouc, Czech Republic (online). 29.04.2021.
Verb Classifiers in Slavic Languages, presentation for POLAR Lab at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, November 2020, pptx, pdf
“Engaging, retaining, and graduating linguists: some thoughts about how to bring up the next generation”, invited lecture for seminar entitled Teaching Linguistics in the 2020s at the University of Tartu (online), pptx, pdf
Kazan International Linguistic Summit “Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics”, 2020: “Далеко пойти на малом материале: стратегическое усвоение иностранных языков”. powerpoint
“Русский вид: категория без категорических границ”, invited plenary lecture, at the conference entitled Взаимодействие аспекта со смежными категориями, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2020.
Русские парадигмы: исследование корпусных данных, проведение компьютерного эксперимента и создание нового ресурса для усвоения русской морфологии (pptx), an invited guest lecture, 18 September, Институт иностранных языков, ПЕТРОЗАВОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, Petrozavodsk and 26 September Высшая школа экономики.
1. konference České asociace kognitivní lingvistiky Prague Czech Republic, 21-22 November, 2019. “Vid stejný a jiný: španělština a ruština”, co-authored with Antonio Fábregas. ppt
Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, at Harvard U, 12-14 October, 2019. “Sometimes Russian is More Perfective Than Spanish”, ppt. “The Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool (SMARTool): A Usage-Based Approach to Acquiring Russian Vocabulary and Morphology”, co-authored with Valentina Zhukova and Francis M. Tyers, ppt.
Det 21:a Nordiska Slavistmötet in Joensuu, Finland 14-18 August 2019. “SMARTool = Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool: En ny måte å lære russiske paradigmer på/Новый метод для усвоения русских парадигм”, co-authored with Valentina Zhukova (English version: ppt. Круглый стол -- Русский Конструктикон: достижения и трудности Участники: Екатерина Рахилина, Лора Янда, Туре Нессет, Валентина Жукова, Всеволод Капацинский
15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Nishinomiya, Japan, August 2019. Hosted by Kwansei Gakuin University. “Paradigms: cognitive plausibility and pedagogical application”, co-authored with Francis M. Tyers, ppt. “North Sámi Possessive Constructions in the Era of Truth and Reconciliation”, co-authored with Lene Antonsen, ppt, for Theme Session on Cognitive Linguistics & Indigenous Languages.
V Congreso internacional "Jornadas Andaluzas de Eslavística" in Granada, Spain July 9-11, 2019. “Learning Russian Wordforms the SMART way”. ppt
Sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa symposia in Oulu, Finland November 14-16, 2018. "Earutkeahtes oamasteapmi, nugo boahtá ovdan davvisámi aviisateavsttain", co-authored with Lene Antonsen
SLAVICORP Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, September 24-26, 2018. “Parts Give More Than Wholes: Paradigms from the Perspective of Corpus Data”, co-authored with Francis M. Tyers, pptx
TWIRLL: Targeting Wordforms in Russian Language Learning”, co-authored with Tore Nesset and Valentina Zhukova, at 25th Anniversary of collaboration between UiT The Arctic University in Norway and Russia in Tromsø, Norway, September 2018. ppt
“The constructional semantics of aspect in Russian”, co-authored with Robert J. Reynolds, at a conference entitled Constructional semantics: Cognitive, functional and typological approaches , in Helsinki, August 2018. ppt
“The Relationship of Context to Aspect in Russian: An Experiment”, co-authored with Robert Reynolds. An invited lecture at the Slavischen Seminar der Universität Tübingen, July 2018
“Representing events in Russian: How much is compulsory and how much is open to construal?”, co-authored with Robert J. Reynolds, an invited lecture at Princeton University, March 2018.
“Strategic Teaching of Russian Word Forms Instead of Paradigms”, co-authored with Francis M. Tyers, invited lecture at Princeton University, March 2018.
Princeton University Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication, February 2018. “Indigenous Literature and Perspectives on Reindeer, Art, and Politics in the High North”.
International Conference on Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy at the University of Texas at Austin, February 15-17, 2018. “Teaching Inflection Without Paradigms” (with Francis M. Tyers), pptx; “Realistic input for L2 learners: Constructions with Russian motion verbs” (with Tore Nesset); “A Constructicon for Learners of Russian” (with Ekaterina Rakhilina, Olga Lyashevskaya, Tore Nesset and Francis M. Tyers), pptx, pdf; “The Big Challenges with Small Numerals in Russian: Linguistic Complexity and Corpus Evidence” (poster with Tore Nesset)
Smithsonian Institution, Invited talk, February 5, 2018.“Discrimination and loss of complexity in an indigenous language: Possessive suffixes in North Saami”, co-authored with Lene Antonsen, pptx
AATSEEL conference in Washington DC, February 1-4, 2018. “Constructing Linguistic Reality: The Yggur Language” ppt, and “Russian aspect in context” ppt, pdf (with Rob Reynolds), and “TWIRRLL Workshop: Targeting Word forms In Research-based Russian Language Learning”, an Advanced Seminar (with Francis Tyers and Rob Reynolds), TWIRLL presentation in ppt ; Lists for participants in docx and pdf